Anti Graffiti Glass Film - Vandalism Protection

The smart vandalism protection: Anti-Graffiti Glass Film

Graffiti is a form of vandalism in which images or texts are applied to a public place with paint, spray cans, paint pen, ink or scratches. High costs must be incurred to remove the graffiti and often even then it leaves its mark in the form of ghost or shadow images. Glass film Suncontrol now offers the possibility to protect your glass from Graffiti and even remove it relatively easily without leaving traces with anti-graffiti Glass film!

Anti-Graffiti Glass Film is a tough polyester film coated with a very strong adhesive. The Glass Film is completely transparent, making it "invisible" when applied to the glass.

Glass film Suncontrol innovates

The technology of glass film manufacturing is constantly evolving. Today's glass films are manufactured from the highest quality polyester types that are constantly tested for their quality. The polyester is perfectly clear and forms an optical laminate with the glass.

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The benefits of anti-graffiti glass film

  • Protection

    In case of vandalism in the form of Graffiti, the film protects the glass. The ink or paint appears on the glass film and does not penetrate the glass. The film is then relatively easy to remove and thus the unwanted Graffiti is also gone. If you apply the Anti-Graffiti Glass Film again, the glass will be as new and again optimally protected against Graffiti vandals.

  • UV filtering

    Glass film filters ultraviolet radiation from sunlight. This protects your precious interior from discoloration.

  • Screen binding

    In the event of impact, the glass film prevents damage and injury that flying shards can cause. The thick tough polyester film holds the glass together in the event of breakage.(Complies with NEN 3569 fall-through protection).

No building is alike

Because every office or company has its own problems, Suncontrol developed a range of films with several specific properties. There is also a Glass film for your situation that guarantees the optimal effect.


Anti-Graffiti Glass Film is applied to the glass of stores, offices, institutions, schools, and so on. Another common application where Anti-Graffiti Glass Film is applied are the windows of streetcars and trains. All railcars of the Paris metro network have the Anti-Graffiti Glass film on the windows.

Glass film Suncontrol has carefully documented the figures for you, but cannot take responsibility for unexpected erroneous entries

Reference addresses

For applications of the various film types, we have reference addresses at hand, which we will gladly make available to you.


Glass film Suncontrol has its own application service. Our employees have not only experience in application, but also the right equipment. They only apply the film when the temperature of the substrate is between 5 and 25 degrees Celsius. After about one month the optimal adhesion is achieved and the film is completely tightened.

The strong polyester film resists cleaning well. The best cleaning agent is clean water with a splash of household vinegar. The best tools: a clean sponge and chamois. Beware of sand grains and old hardened rubber squeegees! Other sharp tools can also cause damage. Sharp cleaning chemicals are discouraged. Detailed cleaning instructions will be provided to you upon delivery of the film.

The width of the roll on which the film is delivered is 152 cm. This means that when the film is processed, the maximum width of a window is about 150 cm. However, even if your windows are taller and wider the film can be applied. With larger windows it is necessary to apply a seam which is minimally visible with our expert processing.

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